About Us
What We Do
The Division of Municipal Finance's mission is to fulfill its mandates in an efficient and timely manner while providing guidance to municipalities and their stakeholders in matters relating to property taxes, state aid, and maintaining local fiscal stability. We promote the highest standards in local government transparency, fiscal policy, and decision-making by serving as a conduit for information and education for taxpayers, for government officials, and for the public.
Financial Conditions of Cities and Towns
Monitor and report on the financial conditions of the cities and towns and with cities and towns undergoing financial distress.
Financial and Equalized Property Value Information
Maintain and compute financial and equalized property value information of use to municipalities and policymakers.
Local Finances and Property Values
Maintain a databank on local finances and property values for the benefit of municipalities and public policy decision-makers.
Municipal Property Wealth and State Aid
Annually calculate municipal property wealth and state aid, advising cities and towns on the process of statistical property valuation updates, and provide other technical and legislative support to municipalities.
State Laws and Policies
Provide assistance and encourage compliance with state laws and policies relating to municipalities especially in the areas of public disclosure, tax levies, and financial reporting.
Powers Building
1 Capitol Hill, 1st Floor
Providence, RI 02908